The Oil Store
The Oil Store is our monthly online gathering space where we gather together in enjoyment of God's presence, being encouraged to dream wider, drink deeper and dare more boldly for and of the One who is worthy.
Join us every last Tuesday of the month
Join us for the monthly Oil Store Gathering.
A place for you to belong as we journey together into the deeper riches of Jesus and all that we have privilege to possess through intimacy with God.
This is a place where we receive oil for our lamps so we can keep on burning! In these prophetic times together, we will draw to the altar where we are invited by Jesus to know the delight of the Father and we come with one desire to know him & make him known through the privileges of his presence we come alive. We worship connect & allow our lives to be soaked in the presence of our King & His Kingdom. We will feast at his table of revelation & life & draw near to him.
Come with an open heart to gather with a community of others who love him & want to "buy" oil.
He is worthy!
The Oil Store Gathering
Every last Tuesday of each month
19:00 – 20:30pm CET
ZOOM joining info
Video call link:
Password: Father